Delighted to be working as Animation Team Lead on new show Nikhil & Jay. Based on books by Chitra Soundar, it follows the adventures of two little brother living in an Anglo-Indian household in Britain, exploring their family games, traditions and relationships. Animation is being made by Belfast’s Paper Owl Studio, in partnership with King Banana
Green Bean Studios
Had real fun on animation directing a trailer for Green Bean Studios up in Manchester…. Also did the storyboards, rigging, and animation.
CelAction Tutors hits Youtube
We have a new “Tips and Tricks” section on YouTube for all you budding CelActioneers out there…
Lupus films series for Apple TV
Working hard as an animation team leader on Lupus films new preschool series for Apple TV. This will be finished in mid-2023.
Corpse Talk
Corpse Talk is the show that “brings the Dead Famous to Life!” . Based on Adam and Lisa Murphy’s successful graphic novels, I worked at Tiger Aspect Kids & Family, animating in CelAction2D on this 13 x 11 mins episode series for YouTube originals. It was great to work for a show for slightly older kids (8 - 12 yrs), and the diversity of characters and sensitivity of casting, not to mention the historical fact-check, made this a fantastic and enjoyable show to make. Directed by Olly Brown.
Just finished training a talented bunch of animators and designers in CelAction2D for Screenskills
ToonBoom Harmony
I’m delving into ToonBoom Harmony animation on Deadendia for Netflix
School of Roars series 2
The second Season of Dot to Dot’s School of Roars is nearly animated. Alan Robinson is directing, and we have the voice talents of Andrew Scott and Kathy Burke. Class.
Plug-In Media’s Tee & Mo “Help Our Little World” song only went and won the BAFTA…Voiced by Lauren Laverne, directed by Dominic Minns, and with team members Nat Cooper and Kevin Howells, it was a pleasure to animate on.
The Little Princess is back…. Accompanied by pal Algie, and pets Puss and Scruff, she scampers round the castle. A great team on Series 4, directed and designed by Sue Tong, narrated by Rufus Jones and starring Jane Horrocks, with Robert Webb.